Professional Drone Filming and Aerial Photography

Matt Jackson is able to offer UK and Worldwide Drone Filming. Matt has been flying and filming from Helicopters and Fixed wing aeroplanes for over 20 years and has logged up hundreds of hours. Matt has experience filming in a wide range of aircraft from r22, r44, Augusta 109, BO105, MD Explorer, AS365 Dauphin, Jet Rangers, s92 Offshore, and Twin Islanders, and he has been trusted by some of the big names in television to do it.

More recently, with the advent of drones, and the number of drone platforms becoming more cost effective to film with, Matt is now able to fly a range of cameras from the ground which allows you to capture stunning aerial footage for any type of production at a much lower cost than hiring a full-size helicopter. The aim is to find the best shots for a drone flight mission in the time available. With high production values per pound, the drones now speak for themselves.


Aerial drone operations require specific aviation public liability to be able to fly in public spaces. Third Party Public Liability Insurance to £1 million as standard. This can be increased to £2, £5 or £10 Million depending on the shoot or the request of the client, or the airspace risks and I am happy to advise. Every shoot is different and is tailored to your need.

Quick Deployment

My most recent Drone is one of the the rapid deployment units which is a crucial asset when working with tight deadlines in TV production. Flying should never be rushed. Every minute counts and a drone that is speedy to set up and deploy is key.


Once your shoot is booked on a convenient day, limiting factors such as the weather will be monitored up until the day, and you will then get a “Go”, or “No Go” status at 24 hours notice after the forecasts have been issued. Safety comes first.

Aerial Photography

Once on site, the risk assessment will be further completed and final checks are made, only then can the flight begin. There is a monitor on the ground for live viewing whilst the drone is flying.


Images can be processed using Final Cut Pro editing software to ensure the best results for digital upload to your DropBox or the Data can be transferred to your hard drive on-site to take-away the same day.


Matt is a CAA licensed UK drone operator, a pilot qualified with a CAA Permission for Aerial Work (PfCO). Matt has over 20 years experience flying radio control Helicopters and Fixed Wing Aircraft and Drones to the BMFA standards. The aim is to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible when flying with drone technology. Every project is unique and every mission needs to capture dynamic content to add great production value to a Show.


Our favourite drone is equipped with a 4k ultra hi-resolution camera. It is mounted on 3-axis stabilised gimbal system, producing super smooth aerial drone footage of your subject. It can record Video in 4k, 2.7k or 1080 in Rec 709 or Log Gamma as required. It will also take still photographs.

Safety to a Professional Standard

Safety is the priority of the operation. The aerial system is serviced and maintained in-house. Prior to and upon arriving at the filming location, the team will complete a comprehensive risk assessment to ensure the safety of your crew, observers and the general public. Everything is always checked at least twice.

Get in Touch

Feel free to use the contact page above or fill out the form to get the process started. Every job is different, you will receive a tailored quote specific to your requirements.


Some Questions about Drones…

No-fly zones

There are several airspaces in the UK where you cannot fly a drone. These are known as “no fly zones”. Some drone operators are not allowed to fly in these areas, however providing prior notice is given it can be possible to obtain permission. Additional risk assessments are created, and any related stewarding plans are agreed to make the operation as safe as possible.

How high can you fly?

UK CAA guidelines stipulate a maximum altitude of 400ft (120m). Higher altitudes can be achieved however this requires additional time and prior approval. If you want very high images, you may be better using satellite images and these are now readily available. Drones are more suited to the lower levels between ground and 400ft.

How far can you fly away?

Commercial drones are certified to fly up to 500m away from where the pilot is standing, although visual line of sight must be maintained at all times, i.e. you have to keep it in sight.

Can you fly at events?

Yes, for the most part. For smaller crowds (under 1,000 people) the drone needs to stay at least 50 meters away, and cannot fly over anyone not under our control. For bigger crowds over (1,000 people) this safety distance has to increase to 150m away and this will be measured onsite or by using online mapping during the pre-flight survey.

Where can you fly?

The licence granted by the CAA allows us to fly UK wide. Flying from private land needs will need permission from the landowner.

Can you fly in London?

Yes. It takes a lot of additional planning, but the time spent gives stunning results.

Can you fly in the rain?

No, no rain. Drones have exposed electric parts and rainwater on the lens will kill a shot. If it rains on your shoot day, we are flexible and want you to get your shots, so talk to us about Rain Cover when booking a shoot.

Can you fly at night?

Yes, flying at night is possible. Matt has a CAA approved Permission to Operate at Night having undergone the required Night Flight training. A daytime recce is always required by the pilot in order to see and assess the local site hazards before night flying. This must be at least 2 hours before darkness. Some great results and content can be made.

Can you operate abroad?

Yes, very much so. Every country has developing drone laws. There is everything from free access to the air to none at all. Contact Matt with your enquiry to find out for specific countries.

Can you fly when its windy ?

Yes, a bit of Wind is ok, but for the best results we recommend flying in wind under 15mph of wind, however our drones are capable of wind speeds a bit higher up to 22mph.

Can you fly indoors ?

Yes. We have flown in Houses, Garages, Corridors and Warehouses.

Film and Television Production

Any TV show worth its salt will now be using Drones to gather footage from above. There is nothing better to show off a location than flying above it.

Building Surveys

Some buildings can be extremely unstable before they are redeveloped, therefore it can be dangerous for people to go inside and inspect the overall damage and condition of the interior, send a Drone in. The Drone can also be used to monitor progress across a construction site. This provides a much quicker and safer way of surveying, as well as making the job much easier for the surveyor. The use of drones within the construction industry is rapidly growing.

Estate agents

What better way to sell a property than to see it from the air. A drone can provide an aerial tour of a property and its grounds that is impossible to see from the ground. This is commonly used for larger properties and allows the estate agent to further market the property. Drones can also be used to photograph smaller properties that are located in difficult positions. For example, if a property is situated close to a road, it can be difficult to get back far enough to get the wide angle shot of the front of the building, so, send up a drone.